Over 600,000 Weebly Websites helped

Learn Weebly Search Engine Optimization from the leading expert in the field

Our students' and clients' Weebly sites have made over $30,000,000 in 2020. That's with lockdowns, economic turmoil, and all the other crazy stuff going on. So, why isn't yours doing the same? Because you need SEO.

SEO isn't magic. It's math. 

Once you understand the equations and know how to make them do what you want, you can find success anywhere online. 

This program was designed to show you how to do exactly that.

These are real screenshots from clients and course members

What's Covered in the Course

Taught over the shoulder with live video recordings of actual websites and real rankings


  • Can I get a preview?

    Sure! You can access the preview section at the top of the page. It will ask you to create an account, but doesn't ask for any payment information. Once you've logged in, you can watch the first three videos for free and get access to the bonus material page.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    $197 – My SEO services start at $2,000 a month, so that’s a pretty good deal.

  • How Long Is The Course?

    All the videos total about three hours. To actually apply everything you learn to your website, it will probably take a couple of days.

  • Will I Need To Buy Anything Else?

    I took extra steps to show you both paid and free options for tools and resources. Both work. Paid tools will just get you there faster.

  • Will This Work With WordPress?

    It sure will! The SEO process is pretty similar across the major website builders on the market

Start Now

You really have only two options: you can buy this course and start making a difference in your life, or you can keep watching YouTube videos and throwing time and money out the window, hoping that something sticks. I think you can guess which option I recommend.